Coe College Annual Report


Members of the Coe College Board of Trustees 2008-2009
Active Members

Terry J. Abernathy ’70
R. Darryl Banks ’72
Jeffrey V. Busse ’85
J. David Carson ’72
Steven L. Caves
Pin Pin Chau ’65
Robert Chiusano
Stephen A. Cone ’72
Sam Freitag ’78
Christine K. Galloway ’73
David C. Gehring ’89
Susan Keonig Gehring ’89
John Girotto
Ken Golder ’82
Tony Golobic
Sally Gray ’02
Keith Hall ’76
Gene M. Henderson ’68
Kent A. Herink ’76
Gerald M. Hughes ’67
Shirley Hughes ’67
Doug Hyde ’74
William P. Johnson ’53
Steven L. Kline ’76
Mary Jeanne Krob ’73
Joan M. Lipsky
Vincent L. Martin
Liza Ovrom ’75
J. Anthony Patterson, Jr. ’70
Charles Peters
James R. Phifer
Kent M. Pilcher ’80
Don Ribble ’52
Brett Rule ’86
Gary G. Schlarbaum ’65
William R. Shuttleworth
Gary Sojka ’62
Bruce E. Spivey ’56
John Strohm ’79
Lori Sturdevant ’74
Victor Taylor ’80
Celia Van Metre ’52
Edward J. Walsh Jr. ’70
Life Members
Donald R. Ebinger ’47
Jack B. Evans ’70
Albert E. Kircher ’51
John M. Sagers
Jerre L. Stead ’65
Arthur D. Swarzentruber ’35
William P. Whipple ’35
Honorary Member
Mary Neff

Board of Visitors 2008-2009
Rebecca Anderson ’71
Jane Beatty ’79
Peter Birkey ’91
Steve Bohr ’92
Jane Michaels Dufoe ’92
Dennis Greenspon ’68
Mark Harris ’85
Terry Hiebert ’76
Lee Hilsabeck’70
Ray Kavanaugh ’68 – Honorary Member (deceased)
Julie Johnson McLean ’78
Paul Milakovich ’83
Raed Milhem ’83
Sigi Reynolds ’94
Gary Rozek ’76
Ashit Shah ’89
Alan Staples ’78
Trent Winegar ’61

Alumni Council 2008-2009
Officers (2008-2010)

Sidney Batten ’57 (Past President)
Susan Koenig Gehring ’89 (President)
Steve Van Every ’75 (Vice President)
Heather Daniels ’95 (Secretary)

Alumni Council Members At-Large
Hala Abumaizer-Scheetz ’91
Ron “Chip” Chaon ’97
Beth Cook ’98
Jana Manthei Day ’87
Jo Ann Miller Day ’57
Jason Fisher ’04
Steve Kennedy ’78
Mary Ann Turnbull Kucera ’58
David Kurovski ’86
Amy Nyert-Jagne ’01
Kevin O’Donnell ’99
Barbara Powell Sherman ’61
Bob Sherman ’62

Student Body Representative
Jay Caughren ’11

Student Alumni Association Representative
Brendan George ’11

Class Representatives Serving from July 2008-June 2009
Frederick Pavlis ’35
Katie Skow Lilliston ’41
Pauline Huston Miller ’42, ’43
Paul Orcutt ’44, ’45, ’46
Phyllis M. Larsen ’47
Doris Moore Cammack ’48
Dick Klinck ’49
Wanita Ward LaCombe ’50
Eldon Pugh ’51
DeeJay Peterson Piersel ’52
Win & Roland USAF (Ret.) Larsen ’53
Al Peremsky ’54, ’55
Lt. Col. Bradley Ankerstar ’56
Larry Bone ’57
Mary Lou Pazour ’58
Dimis Ehninger Wyman ’59
Jean Slater Kerns ’60, ’61
Dick Wood ’62. ’63
George Opsahl ’64
Lyn Ward ’65
Sally Brozik Dawson ’66
Tom Worden ’67
Mark Hopkins ’68, ’69
Steve Gray ’70
Richard L. Silverman ’71
Rev. Jon Galloway ’72
Terry Long ’73
Libby Gotschall Slappey ’74
Alisa Bearov Landrum ’75
Scott Taylor ’75
Judy Baldwin ’76
Tom Hazelton ’77
Dave Tessier ’78
Mike Becker ’79
Carolyn Brainard Schmarzo ’79
Susan Cejka Hollander ’80
Cathy White Bixby ’81
Lee Anne Chapman Cutler ’82
Babette Munson Hiles ’83
Darcy Hitesman ’84
Lori Amundson Meyer ’85
Carol Garoutte Jackson ’86
Jana Manthei Day ’87
Laura Ege Walsten ’87
Alexis Osborne Hulett ’88
Jenni Duff Archibald ’89
Audra Fahlgren Drahn ’90
Ellen O’Malley ’91
Steve Bohr ’92
Stacie Tvedt Eastman ’93
Jenn Sanchez Hennegan ’94
Amy Wiezorek Schork ’95
Kristin Patterson Lenz ’96
Dawn Markham Lueken ’97
Hope Humphrey Hartman ’98
Beth Cook ’98
Kris Zimmerman Gralund ’99
Jodi Bauer Stepanek ’00
Scott Holland ’01
Mike McGill ’02
Amber LaMere Frieden ’03
Rachel Gearhart ’04
Liz Nicklos ’05
Chris Paasch ’06
Luke Johnson ’07
Katie Roger ’08
Megan Olson ’09

Thursday Forum Advisory Committee
Connie Birmingham
Joan Greenblatt
Margaret Haupt
Kate Hawkins
Justin Huber
Tony Huebsch
Gene Ann Johnson
Robert Kocher
Mary Ann Turnbull Kucera ’58
Diane Rattner
Louise Roalson
Carolyn Schmidt

Parent Council
Cindy Banchy
Perri & Cathy Carnes
John “Danny” Chang
John & Anne Franta
Gregg & Jane Hess
David & Kim Jacobi
Sally Nordstrom ’78 & Kent Cooling ’78
Vic Scodius
Emily Yao
Dennis & Deb Yossi

Sinclair Society ($10,000 or more), H.M. Gage Society ($5,000-$9,999),
Williston Jones Society ($2,500-$4,999), Founders' Legion ($1,851-$2,499),
President's Society ($1,000-$1,850), Old Main Club ($500-$999),
Crimson Club ($250-$499), Anniversary Club ($150-$249).
*Indicates three consecutive years of giving. (d) Indicates donor has since died.

Names of donors deserving recognition may have been omitted.
While we remind you that only gifts received between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009 are listed here, we apologize for any oversights and encourage you to call them to our attention.
Please contact the Vice President for Advancement, Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402.

Coe College